Friday, December 10, 2010

OK, what is up with my back injury, and my health care issues

I've decided to post what has been happening with my back injury, my chronic pain, and my struggles with civilian health care insurance here on my blog. If you want to read about it; cool. If not, no problemo. Pass it on by.

I miss my days in the military. You got hurt, you went to the doctor, and he said you were sick or injured. You stayed home, or you worked under the limitations the doctor advised. If you were sick or hurt; one day or 300, it was taken care of. The military did not care whether it was done while at work or while not at work. They owned you, so they would provide and take care of you. And when you finally leave the military; either a regular discharge or retirement, they promise to take care of you for the rest of your life.

They are good to their word. I have VA health coverage for those injuries I sustained while in the military. I have military provided retiree health care for me and my family, for the rest of my life. The only problem with all of that; is I cannot use those benefits, because I have another health care plan. Seems simple enough, and fair too. OK, then just pick which one is best, and not pay or use the other plan. Sorry it does not work that way.

I do think it is absolutely amazing that a guy like me, who has spent most of his life serving either his country, or serving others as a firefighter, cannot seem to figure out how to get his health problems resolved. I am so very proud to be both a firefighter and also a retired military officer. What truly saddens me is the state of this country's civilian health care insurance industry, and how they work at maximizing their profits at the expense of caring for their beneficiaries. I'm a perfect case in point.

I’m naive and overly trusting. I believe in the goodwill of man. I believe that Unions are there to help their members. I'm starting to realize that may not be the case.

If you care to; read on....

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