Sunday, December 12, 2010

Click on images below to see healthcare trust attorney's justification of why I cannot leave their healthcare

If you click on the documents below they will enlarge enough that you can read them.  I was told I could not opt out of our Union provided health care because it was based on ERISA law; a Department of Labor regulation.  Seems that the Healthcare Trust and their attorney have interpreted portions of that law in such a manner that they have decided to not let members go; because it would leave the Union subject to a lawsuit if that member who was released eneded up having some issue with their healthcare that they freely chose of their own volition.  Guess the Union has decided we don't have enough smarts to make our own decisions, especially in regards to our own healthcare.  

Given how much it has cost me in both time, energy, emotion and money, I'm not so certain I concur with the Trust Committee's ability to make such decisions in my favor.  I'm thinking I may soon hire an attorney.  This is their interpretation of the law.  We'll see how a judge might interpret it.

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